medical people

Whether you are part of the Great Resignation and intend to switch toward a medical career, or you are still trying to decide if becoming a healthcare worker is a viable option, joining the workforce associated with medicine and health is a profession that is in great demand. This is especially true today in the midst of a pandemic, as healthcare workers fall ill all over the world, leaving only a few trained individuals to receive the torch from their predecessors. As front liners face burnout over their duties, it is a call to action for those qualified to join the field and serve their community.

If you decide on taking up the challenge and signing up for a vocational course such as a nursing degree or program, then you will be joining the elite team of healthcare workers that are often in great demand worldwide. This opens up opportunities for you to travel abroad and experience the medical field in a foreign land. Here are three reasons why a career in this industry will take you abroad, anywhere in the world:

It Proves Your Intelligence to Recruiters

Taking on a course in medicine or anything related to the industry is difficult. There is a lot to memorize and you will be responsible for putting what you learned to practice. You will be responsible for the lives of others, making use of the various information you learned in the past by converting them into a set of systematic actions to perform on a patient.

Therefore, this will show recruiters abroad that you are an intelligent person because of your capability to think critically and solve problems adeptly.

You might need to take up some bridging lessons when you move to another country, or maybe even a placement exam. This is to account for the nuances of the field because each location will have its own way of doing things. Similar to how different hospitals have varying practices or systems, every country has a specific method for treating patients.

So, you will have to learn new customs in communicating with foreigners, as well as adopt new practices that may be unfamiliar to you. This is one reason why recruiters look for smart individuals to hire- there is a need to study a different set of rules and methods.

It Shows That You Adapt Well To High-Pressure Situations


Preparing for examinations in the medical field is a high-pressure situation in itself. At the same time, when you have experience in a hospital, you are often considered to perform well during an emergency because it is a location where urgent care is provided to those in need. So, when you have an education related to healthcare, it is an indicator of your capability to adapt to a stressful environment. This is important when you are in a foreign country dealing with people whose culture you are not very familiar with.

You will also need to have the strength to cope with homesickness and possibly some discrimination. But, it will all be worth it because you will be a respected individual in your field, and you will be contributing significantly to your community by helping to save lives. As a healthcare worker, you are an integral part of any society you join due to the specialized nature of your career. Your experiences alone can account for what you have gone through to achieve your goals in life, one of which may be to travel abroad.

All Countries Need Healthcare Workers

Everyone needs a doctor, a nurse, a trained medical technician, laboratory analyst, radiologist, and so on. There are various ways in which an individual can join a medical field so long as they understand the vocational nature of their work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was clear that as healthcare systems became overwhelmed, there was a distinct need to increase the number of healthcare workers in one’s country. Some even considered the field akin to soldiers preparing for battle as they fought the virus.

All countries need a significant number of trained medical professionals at any given time. Public health emergencies happen too often in a decade and it is important to prioritize the healthcare system to keep it from being dangerously overwhelmed in times of an emergency.

Even though studying to become a healthcare professional is challenging, those who take on Nightingale’s lamp and the oath to take care of their patients are an admirable group of individuals, wherever they are or end up in the world.

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